Monthly Archives: June 2014

Maura’s in a Musical! (And Other News)

495ff1a9-ec42-41a7-9851-1e6202501d55My daughter Maura will be appearing in the musical, Miz Bonnie’s Band, on June 15, 2014 at 5:00 PM in Hollywood, CA .

After a decade spent rocking and singing the blues in bands and in the recording studio, Maura is excited to return to the stage with the wonderful cast of Miz Bonnie’s Band — an original musical stage play about a little band with big issues.


Bring your dads and make a Father’s Day event of it! Meet the Team. 

Click HERE to purchase tickets. $15 in advance — $20 at the door.

And that’s not all…94fc7730-aa6c-4d20-a6b4-a9c18a1475ab


Maura will be singing with Mitchell Storkington’s Funktastic Voyage at the C.I.A. in NoHo. Join Maura and the band for a night of music, macabre and mayhem! Click HERE for more info.

maura-murphy-barrosseMs. Maura’s been working on some new tunes and videos! More info coming on that soon. In the meantime, be sure to follow her on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all her fabulous adventures!

Ms. Maura’s music is available for streaming and purchase on Bandcamp, and iTunes, and your other favorite music services.

Spread the word!


Filed under Art, Beauty, Music